How To Recognize is Scarlet Fever - Excellent Health Information

Scarlet fever is a disease caused by erythrogenic toxin (a bacterial exotoxin) released by Streptococcus pyogenes. Once a major cause of death, it is now effectively treated with antibiotics. The term scarlatina may be used interchangeably with scarlet fever, though it is most often used to indicate the less acute form of scarlet fever seen since the beginning of the twentieth century. How to Recognize and Treat Scarlet Fever. Caused by the same bacteria that causes strep throat, the illness is usually transmitted. Scarlet fever is a rash that is caused by strep infections.

Scarlet fever is a condition that afflicts mostly children between the ages of two and ten years old. It's an extremely contagious rash caused by a strep infection that creates the scarlet fever toxin. The condition is spread through respiratory avenues or simple skin contact. Parents should be relieved however, to find that scarlet fever is relatively rare, and is not spread by all strep infections.Risks for contracting scarlet fever increase with crowded environments such as school classrooms. Learn how to identify scarlet fever signs and symptoms to prevent complications such as more serious infections and discomfort from rash. Scarlet fever causes a sore throat, high temperature and a rash. It usually occurs in children.

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Scarlet fever is a rash accompanied by a sore throat caused by the streptococcus bacteria. To understand what we know about scarlet fever, it is helpful to realize a few things about what we know about the bacteria that causes it. The Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus bacteria is the technical name for the bacteria which causes scarlet fever. This bacteria is very interesting because it has a role in a large number of other infections and diseases. Most people know this bacteria because it causes strep throat infections, however, it also causes other relatively mild illnesses such as simple skin infections. This bacteria can also cause life-threatening infections such as deep tissue and bone infections and toxic shock syndrome. In addition, this bacteria, when left untreated, can cause the body to have an destructive immune reaction in the form of causing kidney problems (called glomerulonephritis) and heart damage (acute rheumatic fever). And finally, there are diseases we do not know the cause of but have a suspicion that this bacteria may be playing some role. As you can see, there is a lot we do know about Group A strep but there is still a lot of learning to do concerning some of the diseases it does cause. Fortunately, scarlet fever is one disease in which we have a good grasp of what is going on.

Scarlet fever is most often caused by strep throat. The bacteria releases a toxin which is irritative to the skin. This causes the skin to become quite red with little bumps. It is sometimes described as having a "sandpaper" appearance. Not all children who get strep throat get this rash. The reason for this is not completely understood except it may be that some strains of strep are more likely to cause it. Unfortunately, there are currently no medications that work directly against the toxin, so all that can be done is to kill the bacteria with antibiotics. Fortunately, this is all that is needed for scarlet fever because it responds well to antibiotics. Essentially, scarlet fever is just a special term for a strep throat which has a particular rash associated with it. The rash is simply a symptom of the strep throat just like the fever is. The cause and risk of future problems is no greater with scarlet fever than it is with strep throat without the rash. However, there is one benefit to having scarlet fever. The rash is so characteristic and recognizable that a throat culture does not need to be done to confirm the diagnosis of strep throat which saves the child from the unpleasant swabbing of the throat.

You are certainly right about the concern for future problems with strep infections in the form of acute rheumatic fever. However, this condition is generally caused by a strep infection that goes without treatment. Assuming that your grandson was started on antibiotics, he is at no increased risk for future complications than if he had strep throat alone. I commend you for looking into your grandson's health. You are clearly a loving and caring grandfather.

Colour Number Eye Test - Excellent Health Information

Tips to Avoid Foot Pain From High Heels. Experts discuss foot care techniques to cope with the painful consequences. Heels over 2 inches affect the natural way you walk. A heel higher than 3 inches puts seven times the pressure on the ball of your foot and can harm the bones.

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The metatarsals are long bones at the base of each toe. Sometimes pressure can be due to constricting foot wear or high heel shoes. High heels shift the force of each of those steps so that the most pressure ends up on the ball of the foot and on the bones at the base of the toes.

Wearing high heels and shoes with tight toe boxes will exacerbate the problem. Support the bone structure of the ball of the foot and take pressure off the heel. Pain or discomfort can be felt anywhere in the foot, including the heel, toes, arch, instep, sole, or ankles.The bump is a sign that the bones of the foot are out of alignment. While shoes with high heels or pointed toes may cause the joint to ache.

In human anatomy, the heel is the prominence at the posterior end of the foot. It is based on the projection of one bone, the calcaneus or heel bone. Difficulty wearing shoes, especially high heels, due to the bone spur and stiffness of the big toe joint. Never rotate the Foot bone to match the look of the high-heeled mesh. The biggest difference of these two structures is the toe bones (marked in red circle).Between the second and the third parts, the movement of a series of small bones on the foot allows the arch to go down and absorb shock.